Monday, 16 June 2014

0 Doodle with Dad : Father's Day

Doodle With Dad
Celebrating Daddy Dearest with our Dearest things Books.

Doodle with Dad - Theme being Art.

Bubble Ink Book Picks : These are picture books which feature dad and/or those have art in them.

Beautiful Oops : Barney Saltzberg : A beautifully message and intelligently crafted book. When you think you have made a mistake, think of it as an opportunity to make something beautiful. The book lists all such mistakes and what creative and beautiful things they can be turned into.

The Dot: Peter Reynolds: A story of a girl who thinks she can't draw but her teacher believes she can. She starts off with one little dot which starts her journey as an artist.. A lovely read for any wanna-be artist. Self discovery!

Activity Ideas:
Beautiful Oops:

The Dot:


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